Are you ready for a real apocalypse on the blockchain? If so, then fill up your tank and buckle up! War Riders can personalize their own NFT war vehicles with customized logos and …
WRP is a point system that allows players to earn War Points for performing certain actions within the game. You can earn WRP for kills, BZN mining and BZN stash pick-up. The top …
War Riders is the first MMO game of earning cryptocurrency and blowing up cars. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. Common - usually 40% of all skins
What is the War Riders account and how is my information being used? Your external blockchain wallet will always be a place where you store your most precious items from different games. …
This guide explains the basics of the War Riders game and may not have the most accurate information. This page will be constantly updated as we progress. Use the navigation tabs to …
War Riders™ is built by Cartified, Inc – a VC backed startup out of the North America. The company was founded in 2015 by the American and Georgetown University graduates in …