Yes, it's a slow Winter news day but this dispute inspires our interest because we can imagine an incredible explosion of ...
Social media beef from "the First Lady of Kansas City" keeps fans focused on the three-peat narrative despite more pressing ...
Right now we share a quick peek at Kansas City's protest square that is, sadly, much more active than nearby commerce on the ...
They arrived at a church and found smoke and fire pouring out of it. After extinguishing the flames, firefighters searched ...
About a decade ago we lost interest in freebies because it's actually kind of insulting and local restaurants found it easier ...
Former KC Star Reporter Dave Helling predicts questions regarding the role of Kansas Republican Senator Jerry Moran on ...
Honestly . . . No matter how much the elite and ruling class try to argue against it and turn the issue into another partisan ...
Of course readers know that it's the Mayor's prerogative to change his mind but we wouldn't count on ...
There's a few other Easter Eggs and prop comedy that we'll get into a bit later but for now here' the description: ...
Right now, for close readers we share our eternal admiration for EmRata and her body of work along with a peek at pop culture, community reporting and top headlines. Check TKC news gathering . . .
Before it's all said and done and factoring inflation . . . Sunflower State taxpayers could sink close to a quarter of a BILLION dollars into an "attraction" that only appeals to people who like ...
Local news has attempted to spin this story AND provide some comfort by reminding folks that TB isn't a virus but a bacterial infection that typically results because of constant close proximity ...