Inconsistent weather should end as April approaches - Read this weeks Fishing News from Anna Maria Island, Florida ...
Manatee County’s Gulf Islands Ferry service might find a landing in the heart of Holmes Beach. City Commissioner Dan Diggins, ...
The Center of Anna Maria Island’s adult flag football season concluded March 20 with the semifinals and championship games.
The Bradenton Beach City Commission voted unanimously March 20 to approve a temporary use permit for the Drift-In AMI, allowing the main bar and a newly constructed tiki bar to open once equipment ...
Presence of the red tide organism, Karenia brevis, was diminishing, detected in just two samples from Florida’s Gulf coast the week ending March 23. The week prior, testing found K. brevis at 16 sites ...
It was, quite literally, traffic hell for much of July 11 in Bradenton Beach and Longboat Key. AJAX Paving Industries Inc., a contractor of the Florida Department of Transportation charged with ...
Bradenton Beach city commissioners have upheld a board of adjustment decision to deny a boat lift variance requested by Jerry and Connie McKee at their home at 2101 Bay Drive N. - or 1909 or 2102 Bay ...
It’s been long, tumultuous, often tiring and sometimes informative trail - or trial at times - but the end of the comprehensive planning path for Bradenton Beach is in sight. Work on revisions to the ...