The Parish of St. Thomas of Villanova in Granada joyfully celebrated its Golden Jubilee with a solemn Eucharist presided by ...
Rome will host an unprecedented meeting that will bring together the main leaders of the different branches that make up the Augustinian Recollect Family. In the letter of convocation, the Prior ...
En el corazón de la propuesta educativa de la Red EDUCAR, los centros educativos de la Orden no son simplemente centros de enseñanza, sino espacios de evangelización. Así lo afirma Fr. José Manuel ...
At the heart of the educational proposal of the EDUCAR Network, the educational centers of the Order are not simply centers of teaching, but spaces of evangelization. José Manuel Cambero, an ...
In the General Chapter of the Augustinian Recollects in 2022, the need to animate and collaborate in various ministries was reaffirmed, among them the International Networks: ARCORES, EDUCAR and ...
Un siglo de evangelización y compromiso misionero La Prelatura de Lábrea, en el corazón del Amazonas brasileño, celebra en 2025 su primer centenario, un hito que destaca un siglo de presencia ...
Sor Amparo Costilla Jiménez ha sido elegida presidenta de la Federación de Agustinas Recoletas de España durante la Asamblea celebrada en el convento de Marcilla (España). Su elección supone un nuevo ...
Sister Amparo Costilla Jimenez has been elected president of the Federation of Augustinian Recollect Nuns of Spain during the Assembly held in the convent of Marcilla (Spain). Her election represents ...