Elon Musk says he will be giving a talk to voters in Wisconsin this weekend ahead of the state’s highly anticipated state ...
A recording shows an Elon Musk-paid canvasser having trouble saying why a suburban Milwaukee family should back Supreme Court ...
Susan Crawford argues the billionaire's backing of Schimel is an attempt to "buy" support as Musk's lawsuit potentially heads ...
The April 1 election will pit conservative Waukesha County Judge Brad Schimel against liberal Dane County Judge Susan ...
The tech billionaire and aide to President Trump has dropped almost $20 million on a state Supreme Court race. Democrats say Elon Musk is meddling.
Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Brad Schimel openly endorsed Elon Musk’s work within the federal government’s Department of ...
Elon Musk funded political action committees are paying canvassers to go door-to-door to encourage Wisconsinites to vote for Brad Schimel. One canvasser hired by Musk's PAC admitted to knowing ...
If conservative Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Brad Schimel wins the April 1 election, it will be because of the support from President Donald Trump's close ally Elon Musk, Sen. Ron Johnson ...
Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Susan Crawford has focused attention on Elon Musk — not just because of the millions of dollars he is pouring into backing her opponent, Brad Schimel ...