Venmo is a convenient platform for sending, receiving, and requesting money. But if you use Venmo for certain types of transactions, you could be on the hook for taxes. The good news is that ...
If you sell goods or services or rent property, and get paid through Venmo, PayPal, Cash App or another payment app, you may have been surprised by a Form 1099-K this year. Here’s why you might ...
At PayPal's first investor day in four years, CEO Alex Chriss will deliver a clear message to shareholders: Venmo isn't just an easy way to split the dinner tab. Chriss, who took the helm in ...
Venmo has become one of the easiest ways to send and receive money, whether you’re paying your roommate for rent, splitting a dinner bill, or chipping in for a group gift. But with money moving ...
There’s one notable brand that’s not joining the consolidation: Venmo. The popular peer-to-peer payment app has more than 90 million active users, all in the U.S., and is practically ...
Polish startup Clone Robotics has shared a terrifying new clip of Protoclone ... The state-of-the-art robot dog is called Lynx, and is the brainchild of Chinese company, Deep Robotics.