La Dirección General de Emergencias de Canarias ha ampliado a cinco municipios de Gran Canaria la alerta por alto riesgo de ...
El Ayuntamiento de Telde ha decidido activar sus servicios de Policía Local, Protección Civil y las áreas vinculadas para ...
Heavy rain and flooding have hit the third-largest island in the Canaries, Gran Canaria, covering streets with mud, sweeping ...
Gran Canaria’s airport has been closed by flooding a day after cars were swept down ravines and into the sea off Spain’s ...
AN urgent travel warning has been issued to Irish holidaymakers as a number of popular Spanish beaches are closed due to ...
Tourists on Gran Canaria have been warned to stay indoors following flooding, which has seen piles of mud and dirt cover ...
The town of Telde in the east of the island was particularly hard hit with heavy downpours. Cars were swept away into ravines ...
Seven beaches in Telde, Gran Canaria, were closed due to the flooding and debris. Authorities are on high alert and have advised residents and tourists to avoid travel and parking near ravines, with ...
The flooding has affected Gran Canaria’s 850,000 residents leaving streets buried under mud and debris, and vehicles ...
Published images show cars washed away by the floods in Gran Canaria, with its streets become raging rivers as water levels ...
El Helimer 202 de Salvamento Marítimo ha informado del avistamiento de una mancha en las aguas de la costa de Gran Canaria ...
Seven beaches in Telde, Gran Canaria have been shut off to the public after the island was stuck by flooding which saw one ...