Check out Shakira's unexpected reaction when fans shouted 'Piqué' during her 'Women Don't Cry Anymore' concert.
Here are the conditions Gerard Piqué reportedly set for Shakira to look after their kids while she's on the 'Women Don't Cry ...
Boris Becker has clapped back at former Barcelona FC defender Gerard Pique after he proposed a series of changes to make tennis more exciting to watch. The four-time Champions League winner ...
Im Podcast seines ehemaligen Nationalmannschaftskollegen Iker Casillas (42) erklärte der langjährige Barcelona-Star: "Es kann nicht sein, dass man 100, 200 oder 300 Euro für ein Ticket ausgibt ...
It felt appropriate to be speaking with Pique at London’s Twickenham Stadium, the home of England Rugby and the host of the English leg of the global Rugby Sevens tournament. That represents a ...
Laut Medienberichten pilgern nun Leute zu der Stelle und posieren vor derselben Hauswand, vor der Shakira posierte. Die Besitzerin will das Haus angeblich verkaufen – und hofft nun auf einen ...
Auf X kursierten Fotos von der Sängerin mit Fans. Shakira war zuvor als Teil ihrer Welttournee in der Karibikstadt aufgetreten - laut Billboard zum ersten Mal seit fast 20 Jahren. Sieh dir ...
LIMA – Peruvian authorities threatened sanctions and hefty fines on Feb 18 as they investigated how pop star Shakira’s medical records were leaked following her treatment at a Lima clinic.
Peruvian authorities have threatened sanctions and large fines as they investigate how the singer Shakira's medical records were leaked following her treatment at a Lima clinic. The 48-year-old ...
Statt auf der Bühne zu stehen und ihre Hits zu performen, musste Shakira in Lima in die Notaufnahme gebracht werden. Nur zwei Tage später holt die Sängerin ihr versäumtes Konzert nach.
Colombian pop icon Shakira announced yesterday that she will continue her world tour with a performance in Lima, Peru after a weekend show was cancelled due to a stomach illness, reported AP.
LIMA, Feb 18 — Colombian pop star Shakira said her concert in Peru will go ahead a day after she called off another performance because of a sudden hospitalisation. The singer-songwriter, 48, had gone ...