Substituting 10 grams of butter a day with an equal amount of plant-based oil was associated with an estimated 17% reduction ...
Butter makes everything better. Americans have apparently taken that to heart, eating about 6.5 pounds of butter per person a ...
A new study has found that replacing butter with plant-based oils like olive, canola, and soybean may reduce the risk of ...
Despite some social media movements criticizing seed oils, a new study suggests swapping your daily butter intake for some ...
Researchers analyzed prospective data on the dietary intake of 200,000-plus adults and noted how many died from cancer.
A new study suggests that replacing butter with plant-based oils like soybean, canola, and olive oil could significantly ...
Researchers compare how the consumption of butter or plant-based oil impacts total and cause-specific mortality.
We use a variety of cooking oils (fats derived from plants or animals) when preparing food.  A lot of baking calls for oils, ...
People who consume plant-based oil instead of butter may experience beneficial health effects and even have a lower risk of ...
Stephanie Schiff, a registered dietitian nutritionist at Northwell Health’s Huntington Hospital, told The Post why butter is ...
Replacing butter with plant-based oils like soybean and olive oil may lower the risk of heart disease and cancer, boosting ...
This dairy-free butter recipe shows you how to make your own vegan butter alternative at home with plant-based ingredients ...