Buried deep in the Chassahowitzka Wildlife Management Area near the Gulf Coast of Florida, sits an unsuspecting sinkhole — otherwise known as Eagle's Nest. An ominous sign below the murky green ...
Little cottages and beach houses nestle among shore pines that grow at crazy angles from years of ocean winds. Some of the ...
In a sinkhole in the Aucilla River ... an eerie backwater outpost lately. Two big bald eagles fly menacing patrols around an enormous nest high in a cedar tree. Someone has used driftwood and ...
Life has been complicated for Hannah and Mr. Majestic, the nesting bald eagles at Lake Casitas Recreation Area near Ojai. The eagles are believed to be one of the only nesting pairs of their kind in ...
Lancaster County’s live eagle cam has gone from egg watch to baby watch. Last week, three eggs hatched. The first egg hatched early Tuesday morning. Eaglet No. 2 showed up on camera Wednesday.
In third place is Raphotle Lebale (Kgetsa Primary School), Eagle’s Nest athlete Luniko Boqwane (first place and also second place in long jump) and Mitchell House athlete Makwinja Letsididi in ...
Full of questions about Big Bear Valley’s bald eagles, 5-year-old Ava Diaz watched the livestream of the nest on the large monitor and captured images with her own pink camera. As Ava pointed ...
WARSAW, N.Y. (WKBW) — A new nest cam set up in Western New York is offering an up-close look at the lives of bald eagles. The Ott Family Bald Eagle Nest Camera is located in Warsaw. The Ott ...
SET UP THIS SOLAR POWERED CAMERA TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE NEST AND Two new eaglets were seen in a bald eagle nest in Southern California Tuesday. A bald eagle couple named Jackie and Shadow welcomed ...