Corrosion was found in several railcars used on Amtrak's Borealis — the 7-hour and 24-minute train line from the Twin Cities ...
An inspection uncovered corrosion on several of the railcars used on the new Amtrak Borealis line from downtown St. Paul to ...
Chicago's three mass transit agenices have said riders could face 40% service cuts next year without new state funding.
More than half of Chicago’s bus routes could be eliminated, at least parts of four “L” lines could be shut down and Metra ...
Amtrak's Borealis train 1340 from St. Paul, Minnesota to Chicago, Illinois is being rerouted to a bus service Thursday, after ...
The 11-day, 10-night journey includes two nights aboard the train and eight nights in hotels in Chicago, Salt Lake City, and ...
Sarah Szczypinski and her husband left Chicago for a high-paying job in Seattle. They had a stunning home and close friends ...
Amtrak’s new ‘Floridian’ train service connects Chicago with Miami, offering great dining and wonderful views on the way to ...
The Regional Transit Authority is calling on state lawmakers to fill the gap to avoid massive cuts that would include the CTA ...
Metro-North is also running shuttle trains between Grand Central Terminal, Harlem-125 St. and Yankees-E 153 St stations. Fans using Harlem and New Haven lines can transfer at Harlem-125th St. station ...
Unless additional funding is secured soon, routes that thousands of people rely on in Chicago could be altered or even ...
The lack of funding would end all weekend bus service for Pace, eliminate early morning and late evening service for Metra ...