Several Scouts from Troop 33 in Staunton are giving back to their community through Eagle Scout projects that have a lasting ...
Ayden Jackson, a 17-year-old Scout with Boy Scouts of America Troop 144, built and donated a mobile flag-burning pit for the ...
Before he passed, former Texas Tech Professor Bill Pasewark recalled seeing "things that stay with you forever" on Iwo Jima during World War II.
U.S. Sen. Alan Simpson speaks at the Ramada hotel in Casper, while Rep. Dick Cheney chuckles, in this archival image. (Casper ...
Ryan Clemmons, an Eagle Scout with Brookville-based Boy Scout Troop 47, received a check Thursday totaling $250 from Mike ...
The Hudson, Miller, Tatum Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3006 is hosting a Vietnam Veteran Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday. “Vietnam veterans, their families, and the families of deceased Vietnam veterans ...
The Santa Barbara community is invited to attend a National Vietnam War Day event Saturday, March 29 at the Santa Barbara Memorial ...
Last week, I started blogging (and Monday and Tuesday, I continued blogging) about my new article Expressive Discrimination: Universities' First Amendment Right to Affirmative Action, just ...
It is about one-issue, my-way-or-the-highway groups on both ends of the political spectrum. I have no patience with those who see only one side of an issue, whatever it may be. Yet, they provide me so ...