As for Me,” says the LORD, “this is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your ...
The Trump administration on Tuesday released 63,000 pages of JFK assassination records. And tucked inside them is a reminder ...
The patriarchs in the Bible were the fathers of the nation of Israel: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Through these three men, the ...
Previewing the Lancaster-Lebanon League boys volleyball Section 2 race for the 2025 season, and there are plenty of changes ...
Lipscomb forward Jacob Ognacevic remembers growing up in Sheboygan and cheering for his home-state team as Wisconsin made ...
Choosing a middle name for your baby can be challenging, and there are many ways to go about it. Whether you're looking for a ...
Doyle entered a blind plead to both reckless murder charges, putting himself at the full mercy of the judge at his upcoming sentencing on May 20. In the end, Cooper just wants a fair punishment.
Why is it so hard to understand? Why is it so confusing? Please help me because I am about ready to stop attending the church I love so much. I have come to the conclusion: why bother. — Needing Help, ...
A beloved musical that re-imagines the biblical story of Joseph, favorite son of Jacob; his 11 brothers; and his coat of many ...
Rabbi Soille davened at the Beth Jacob synagogue which was located at the time in North Park.  While the synagogue did not ...
For most of her life, Bernice McFadden was followed by her “angelcestors,” who watched over her and kept her safe. They swung ...
In her new book “Becoming the Pastor’s Wife,” Beth Allison Barr, Ph.D., The James Vardaman Endowed Professor of History at ...