近期,北京市规划和自然资源委员会经济技术开发区分局公布了规模约 52 公顷的地块规划方案,毗邻小米汽车工厂。昨日据彭博社援引知情人士信息称,小米将利用上述约 52 公顷的地块扩大在建的二期工厂,使其从原先 53 公顷扩展至约 105 ...
近期,科技界迎来了一则令人振奋的消息:苹果公司的一项新专利成功获批,这项专利旨在革新Apple Watch的设计,为用户提供更加便捷和灵活的使用体验。这一设计的核心在于模块化理念,使得Apple Watch的主体与表带能够实现分离式充电,同时表带上的生物传感器仍能持续监测用户的健康数据。这一创新设计有效解决了传统智能手表在充电或临时摘下时功能中断的痛点,为智能穿戴设备的未来发展树立了新的标杆。
拿着新地图,踏上新大陆 撰文/ 陈邓新 编辑/ 李觐麟 排版/ Annalee 荣耀,又一次站到世界舞台的C位。 2025年3月2日,荣耀在2025世界移动通信大会(MWC)上,正式发布了荣耀阿尔法战略(HONOR ALPHA ...
Apple Watch 10 deals are officially available. While Apple's latest smartwatch was released just months ago, there are already impressive Apple Watch 10 deals, and I'm rounding up the best prices ...
AI的应用会对一些传统岗位产生影响,但也会催生出新的职业和就业机会,促使人类从事更高价值的工作岗位。我们要用主人姿态积极拥抱AI时代,不断提升自身技能和素质,以适应未来的就业 ...
A recent tech demonstration has shown that artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots can communicate in a unique, high-speed sonic language, raising both intrigue and concern about the future of AI ...
So far we don’t know a whole lot about the upcoming Apple TV revision, but hardware upgrades to bolster AI support seem like a given. Some may wonder: why would AI features need to be tied to ...
When we review and compare smartwatches against the Apple Watch, its selection of apps is always a key differentiator. However, there’s a lot of mediocre stuff out there, so we’ve revamped our ...
Apple's new AI system "harnesses the power" of Apple in order to better understand and create images and language capabilities, maneuver across apps and draws from "personal context to simplify ...
In the fourth-quarter, 15.4M AI-enabled PCs were shipped, which represented a sequential growth of 18%, suggesting that consumers and enterprises are starting to take to the trend. “Apple ...
“Apple finished strong in Q4 2024, significantly outgrowing the top three vendors and achieving a 10.2% market share in the total PC market and 45% share in the AI-capable PC market,” added ...