Blue Europe to zarówno think tank, jak i projekt redakcyjny dotyczÄ…cy powiÄ…zaÅ„ miÄ™dzy EuropÄ… ÅšrodkowÄ… i ZachodniÄ…. NaszÄ… wizjÄ… jest rozwój wymiany miÄ™dzy Zachodem a Wschodem, szczególnie na poziomie ...
Blue Europe is both a think tank and an editorial project about the links between Central and Western Europe. Our vision is to develop exchanges between the West and the East, particularly at the ...
Blue Europe is both a think tank and an editorial project about the links between Central and Western Europe. Our vision is to develop exchanges between the West and the East, particularly at the ...
Les États baltes sont un groupe de trois pays qui partagent le littoral de la mer Baltique, la ligne de démarcation entre la Lettonie et l’Estonie se situant entre le golfe de Finlande et le golfe de ...
La Serbie, pays limitrophe de l’Union Européenne de par ses frontières avec la Bulgarie et la Roumanie, est un pays unique à bien des égards. Ce pays des Balkans aspire à rejoindre l’Union Européenne ...
This Balkan country aspires to join the European Union; after an official application for membership in 2009, Serbia was ...
Blue Europe's guest authors contribute specialised insights on Central and Eastern European affairs. These authors, whether invited or unsolicited, include experts from academia, politics, journalism ...
Ta kategoria bada innowacje technologiczne i rozwój infrastruktury w Europie Åšrodkowo-Wschodniej. Obejmuje PrzemysÅ‚ 4.0, transformacjÄ™ cyfrowÄ…, inteligentne miasta, cyberbezpieczeÅ„stwo, automatyzacjÄ™, ...
This section delves into international diplomacy, strategic alliances, and regional cooperation. It covers the Three Seas Initiative, EU expansion, NATO policies, China-CEE relations, conflicts, and ...
Meanwhile, in Poland – to the author’s regret – Asian issues still remain a relatively niche topic, and Polish analytical and scientific efforts, as well as public attention are overwhelmingly focused ...
Réka Koleszár is an independent researcher focusing on the relations between the European Union and Asia, in particular East Asia. Her experience spans international organisations and think tanks ...