What we call “brokenism” and “enshiffication” represent respectively people rationalizing the decline, and people making the ...
Most people seek to avoid conflict, but assertiveness means accepting conflict and aiming for clarity instead. Those of us ...
Diversity itself is to blame, not the foreign groups involved. If you have a mono-ethnic society, you can have a culture.
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a behavior condition in which your child displays a continuing pattern of ...
Every child should sit down and be told about not just Rome, but more importantly, Athens, and how these societies died by ...
The only North American site with indisputable evidence of a visit by Norsemen is L’Anse aux Meadows, at the northern tip of ...
Houston — the most diverse place in the world — has shown this to be true with varied groups like Orientals, Arabs, Hispanic ...
Republicans made themselves into “Christian libertarians” in order to get along with Leftists, effectively producing the groundwork for the uniparty. As part of this gesture, they praise ...
Europe knows that the longer and bloodier the mess in Ukraine becomes, the weaker Russia becomes, and they want to bleed Putain until he gets ejected. They do this because they are Die Roboter, which ...