As society evolves, we realize some things we thought about parenthood are way off and actually hurt kids. Here are some ways today’s parents are setting their kids up for failure. Photo Credit: Jaren ...
Philadelphia boasts ground-breaking history, defining culture, and iconic foods, yet carries a bad reputation. West Philadelphia will never live down its appearance in the Fresh Prince’s rap, and the ...
Are you allowed to buy the things you want? Finance gurus offer a resounding “NO!”. If you listened to them, perhaps you’d be financially secure, but you’ll also be miserable, living sparsely on rice ...
A blessing in disguise seems wrong on the surface but turns into a boon. The opposite often happens to us, too, when things that seem great at first glance turn into massive nightmares. Here are the ...
Writing prompts help you overcome writer’s block while enhancing your skills. They’re great tools for people who want to become better writers, or need ideas to get the creative juices flowing.