The Court's decision in the USAID lawsuit reveals an institution perilously close to making Donald Trump a king.
Roberts exchange is simply a case of one successful person thanking another for their continued support and assistance.
The conservative legal movement is disappointed in Amy Coney Barrett. Last Tuesday, Barrett dissented along with the three liberal justices from the Court’s decision in San Francisco v. EPA, in which ...
In recent weeks, federal judges across the country have blocked several of President Donald Trump’s more ambitious attempts to treat following the law as optional. Elon Musk, who is leading the ...
Last Thursday, a federal district court judge in Washington, D.C., issued a decision declaring that President Donald Trump broke the law when he fired Gwynne Wilcox, the first Black woman ever to sit ...
Late last week, the Trump White House dropped yet another unconstitutional executive order that threatens whatever remains of the rule of law. But rather than once again targeting one of his old ...
In a tense hearing Thursday morning, a federal judge in California laid into lawyers representing the Trump administration for breaking the law, threatening the livelihoods of innocent workers, and ...
On Wednesday, the Department of Justice agreed to drop its pending lawsuit against Southwest Key Programs, a Texas company that operates more than two dozen shelters for unaccompanied minors who enter ...
Earlier this week, the Supreme Court decided yet another case making it harder to protect the environment, siding with the city of San Francisco in its challenge to limitations on dumping sewage in ...
Recent Department of Justice guidance—perhaps “threat” more appropriately captures its approach—regarding private-sector use of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs has rightfully drawn ire from ...