Austin Street and its bike lanes, which connect downtown to Midtown as well as the Museum District and Texas Medical Center, ...
BikeHouston executive director Joe Cutrufo said the nonprofit did not receive advance notice of the street closure and no ...
The city is updating its bike plan for the first time in years, but cycling advocates say Dallas needs to kick the work into a higher gear.
Finland may soon become the first country to develop a permanent way to store spent nuclear fuel by burying it in tunnels ...
Those who have information are asked to call the Linden Highway Patrol office at 430-218-6500 or Crime Stoppers at 903-793-7867.
AUSTIN, Texas — After discussions earlier this ... the new parking code includes banning cars from parking in bike lanes. Austin Transportation and Public Works said the changes do a better ...
The Texas A&M Forest Service has put most of our area in an extreme wildfire risk today (5 out of 5). KXAN's Avery Travis and ...
We’ve covered the bike lanes in Los Angeles slowly being torn out for car parking previously, and they’re continuing course slowly but surely. Houston, Texas — a city with the same number of ...
A cyclist was killed on I-35 in Laredo after being struck by two vehicles. Police are searching for the first driver.
ALEXANDRIA, La. (KALB) - At the March 11 Alexandria City Council meeting, the council voted to authorize Mayor Jacques Roy to execute the entity state agreement for the Capital Improvement ...
The project would widen SH 4 from a 2-lane roadway to a 4-lane divided roadway with two, 12-foot concrete travel lanes, ...
ARLINGTON, Texas — A 51-year-old motorcyclist died after colliding with a vehicle in Arlington, police said in a news release ...