The Commission on Public Art selected Laurie Blayney to produce artwork on the floodwall at 10th and Rowan Streets.
In a city buried under feet of ash and debris from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79, archaeologists have announced ...
When she and her partner Raj Debah, an artist, writer, and film director, started looking for a house in Los Angeles, their ...
While immuring wives in walls is strictly outlawed (and largely apocryphal), the practice of hiding things behind sheetrock ...
Pastoral on Paper,’ which opened last week at the Clark Art Institute, was curated by William Satloff Grad Art ’25.
LONDON (AP) — A thief who swiped a golden toilet from an English palace was convicted Tuesday along with an accomplice who ...
Indoor golf in Chicago is for the times we need to be inside, but we still have kids that will climb the walls if we don't ...
Maureen McGuigan, director of Arts and Culture for Lackawanna ... In a statement announcing the project, Commissioner Bill ...