A lance corporal pleaded not guilty in the Magistrate’s Court today to a charge of outraging the modesty of a female ...
Through this award, Clemson Gymnastics pays tribute to Lance Corporal Noah Lippeatt’s legacy, ensuring that his ‘Esprit de ...
Lance Corporal Joe Spencer, 24, was killed in November 2016 when his gun went off during a training course in Scotland.
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Today, we salute U.S. Marine Corps Veteran Emonnie Johnson. Emonnie served from 2016-2020 and was discharged as a lance corporal. Without a car of his own, traveling ...
Watson, left, student naval aviator, is awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal at the National Naval Aviation Museum, ...
Clemson Head Coach Erik Bakich, pitcher Ethan Darden and South Carolina Head Coach speak about game two of the Palmetto ...
In a speech to Congress, President Donald Trump announced the apprehension of the person he said was the “top terrorist” ...
Jacksonville Marine accused by police of murdering his wife with his car now has a two-million-dollar bond, and it is also ...
Chandler Heinley and Officer Jenkins from the Amarillo Police Department joined Today in Amarillo on Monday morning and ...
The ISIS-K terrorist Pakistani officials handed over to the U.S. in connection to the Abbey Gate bombing is tied to multiple ...