Learn more about Spotlight Delaware at spotlightdelaware.org. The Delaware Senate on Thursday passed a controversial corporate law bill that proposes to change rules governing how deals get done ...
According to Wikipedia, debanking, "also known within the banking industry as de-risking, is the closure ... Shortly after the defeat in Georgia of Senate Bill 57, the Freedom of Speech and ...
The FIRM Act would help ensure that banks make decisions based on objective criteria, not the subjective reputational judgments of regulators Following a key hearing in February, Senate Banking ...
The Senate voted Monday to confirm Lori Chavez-DeRemer as U.S. labor secretary, a Cabinet position that puts her in charge of enforcing federally mandated worker rights and protections at a time ...
2025-03-10T18:49:39-04:00 https://ximage.c-spanvideo.org ...
Former Republican Oregon Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer was confirmed by the Senate to lead the Department of Labor in a bipartisan vote of 67 to 32 on Monday, marking the most bipartisan vote since the ...
The Senate voted Monday to confirm Lori Chavez-DeRemer as U.S. labor secretary, a Cabinet position that puts her in charge of enforcing federally mandated worker rights and protections at a time when ...
Senate Bill 15 — filed Tuesday by state Sen. Paul Bettencourt, R-Houston — reduces the amount of land cities can require single-family homes in new subdivisions to sit on. Doing so makes it ...
Men den er ikke for børn, mener Ekstra Bladets anmelder. - Mit tip: Gå ind og se den uden de små. Der er ingen grund til at spille krænket, når det jo er helt frivilligt at indløse billet til den i ...
Det interessante er, at det i første omgang er de mindre virksomheder, der er gået i gang med at forsøge sig frem med AI på forskellige områder, dog uden endnu at se et klart udbytte, mens de store ...
The Michigan Democrat, a first-term senator, is expected to lay out the economic and national security stakes of President Trump’s agenda. By Annie Karni Reporting from the Capitol Senator ...