Idaho effectively provides around 1.2 times more state funding per student in special education than for the general student ...
Idaho basketball playoff action has moved to state playoffs in all six classifications, so follow every game and every bracket in real time right here with High School On SI Owyhee High School ...
High school coaches in the 6A Southern Idaho Conference, 5A Southern Idaho Conference and Girls District Three leagues selected all-conference wrestlers of the year for the first time this season.
The Sarasota Police Department reported 4,488 warnings related to school zone speed limits violations captured by newly installed cameras over their first 30 days. The cameras went into effect at ...
Darin Oswald [email protected] The video testimonial from the Idaho Freedom Foundation unwittingly gives the best reason against using taxpayer dollars to pay for private school.
Public school teachers in Idaho would be allowed to carry concealed weapons in the classroom and act as an “armed protection force” against mass shootings under a bill proposed Tuesday.
A $50-million school-choice bill long in the works is awaiting approval from Idaho’s governor after the state Senate passed the measure on Wednesday. The bill would establish a $50-million ...
Taneytown could create two new school zones in an effort to curb speeding and improve pedestrian safety in the city, after the council voted Monday night to introduce an ordinance that would ...
ATLANTA - The Georgia House of Representatives approved two conflicting measures Tuesday regarding the use of school zone speed cameras, which have been installed across the state to curb speeding ...
The Georgia House of Representatives approved two measures for reeling in automated school zone speed cameras, sending both over to the state Senate. House Bill 225 bans the cameras completely.
The Idaho State Journal invites you to take part in the community conversation. But those who don't play nice may be uninvited.