Former High Court judge died aged 80 in Australia in December, with his lengthy career including sentencing of ‘King of ...
Dyson Heydon, the former High Court judge facing numerous sexual harassment allegations, received glowing praise for his new ...
The High Court of Australia has now ruled that judges are immune from being sued for damages in every court and for all purposes. It is absolute, even if you have been falsely imprisoned.
The last thing Australians want is the distraction of yet another ideologically inspired constitutional referendum.
A lawyer has argued in a London Court that global mining giant BHP should be held liable for Brazil’s worst environmental ...
Chief Justice Sir Gibuma Gibbs Salika today officially opened refurbished judges' chambers at the Supreme and National Court, ...
Much of the concern about potential compensation claims that will flow from this week’s native title ruling in the High Court ...
The harshest criticism for the NACC is that it lacks almost any kind of transparency, with the Higgins case one of dozens ...
Chief Judge of the County Court and Judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria, Peter Kidd SC, has been appointed as a judge of the Court of ...