A large new study is among the first to suggest a link between cured meats and higher rates of dementia and worse cognition ...
An American cardiologist has revealed there are six certain foods you shouldn't eat to protect your heart health.
This spring, the spotlight will shine on mouthwatering cakes, quiches, croquettes and other French-inspired treats at the same spot where big-name Hollywood stars previously lit up a movie screen in ...
While Donald Trump's family are more adventurous with their meals - and slightly healthy - the president eats like a child ...
Stewart Down won the acclaimed UK National Burger Of The Year Award for Black Bear Burger's signature Miso Bacon Burger.
Craig Harker gorged on the Greggs 8,000-calorie sarnie that set him back £60 before it was handed to him in a pizza box complete with a bottle of ketchup and brown sauce ...
Footage showed Craig ordering his monster meal at a Greggs branch in Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, showing the camera that he was unable to hold the entire thing. Heading home, the British Eating ...