Although the parameters of my testing stated to store all banana bunches intact, I varied a bit when testing this method. I ...
I had a banana tree with a bunch of young bananas damaged by strong wind and this shows the bananas ripened prematurely but how do they taste? Plus, a little bit about banana tree growing in the ...
Trending today: a study finds that more people will buy stray bananas if they're accompanied by a picture of a banana with a sad face.
The first harvest would yield 400 banana bunches with an average weight of 40kgs. A kilo of the fruit is sold at Sh15, which means a farmer stands to make Sh240,000 in gross profit. In subsequent ...
“We request that the President of the Republic, with the surpluses from oil prices, buy the banana bunches; one million bunches per week that will allow decongesting the fruit that is being ...