See all generations of the BMW M3: discover information about every model year and check out what was changed.
BMW’s dashboard and instrument layouts have changed radically in the last few years and we want to hear which you prefer ...
Discover the US premiere of the 2026 BMW iX and the celebration of 50 years of the iconic BMW 3 Series at The Amelia.
Can you get great power from a four-cylinder engine? Can that car be affordable? Here are ten cars that answer both questions ...
BMW has collated every car from 1928 to 2008, plus Minis, and made it publicly available - geeks of PH, assemble!
You know, that uncle who drove the dapper BMW E36 3 Series we called ‘the Dolphin ... golfers and who sent their three kids to the posh Model C schools in the suburbs. Remember them, they ...
Few three-letter abbreviations command as much respect in the automotive world as AMG. The name has been emblazoned on many ...
Publicly accessible and now online, it documents 424 BMW models from 1928 to 2008 ... or the top speed of the E36 323ti (143mph), then now all that information is not just easily available ...