Station Road, Marple located centrally 10.5 metres northeast from the projected northeastern kerbline of Hollins Green Road with a controlled parking area of 47 metres. Station Road, Marple located ...
Properties in England are put into one of 8 bands, A to H, depending on the price they would have sold for in April 1991. You can check your property band on the GOV.UK website. Bands are set by the ...
In Stockport people are at the heart of everything we do. During the Learning Disability conference it was clear that some people with Learning Disabilities have developed good working relationships ...
The Hempshaw Lane ‘Streets for All’ improvement works are planned to start on Monday 24 March 2025 and are expected to take 9 months to complete. The scheme is funded by the government’s City Region ...
A key focus for the councils One Health and Care Plan is a Healthy and Happy Stockport: People live the best lives they can, happy, healthy and independent and this is no different for people with ...
The One Borough Plan for Stockport has at the heart of it that we want a skilled and confident Stockport. Our vision to support people have meaningful lives starts with valuing the skills and ...
Jackson Street, Cheadle (West Side) - From a point 27.5 metres north of the northerly kerb line of Stockport Road for a distance of 15.5 metres in a northerly direction. From a point 58.5 metres north ...
Finding a home can be difficult, stressful and complicated to navigate for all people in Stockport. People at the Heart of Care is all about ensuring that the person is the centre of all planning.
Thriving Neighbourhoods underpin our vision for Stockport. Getting out and about is vital for us all to feel a part of our communities and do the things we want to do independently. People with ...
About the strategy One Stockport Learning Disability Strategy 2025 to 2030 Pillar 1: Living my life Pillar 2: Getting to where I need to be Pillar 3: The people who work with me are wise and kind ...
Social, digital and financial inclusion through informal adult learning. We offer free basic digital skills training throughout Stockport. Visit What's on in Stockport for details about our free ...