CLEVELAND, Ohio – The ice cover on Lake Erie has melted substantially since peaking last month. The Thursday reading from the ...
My first steelhead fishing trip was one to remember. Conneaut Creek ran high and turbidity clouded the flow. I could not see ...
With the warm weather these past few days the ice on the Great Lakes is quickly receding. Here's a look at how the ice cover ...
The first walk across Lake Erie from Erie to Canada was reported to be in 1912, when a 19-year-old North East man crossed the ...
Nature: The thriving coyote is in the Midwest. Lake Erie averages only 62 feet in depth, while smaller Lake Ontario is 283 ...
Over the course of the summer, things started to click for Warren G. Harding senior Sophie Gardner on the soccer pitch. Jump ...
The Buffalo Common Council's Committee on Community Development is considering whether it wants to publicly oppose wind ...
The Great Lakes saw more than 50% ice coverage in February. As temperatures warm up, that percentage is falling quickly.
Many people don’t know that doing small things like jumping into a freezing cold lake can mean so much for another person.” ...
We're moving past yesterday's chilly interruption back into a milder air mass for today with a mix of clouds and sunshine. Temperatures will be back into the 50s for highs.
As spring officially begins, many areas in Western New York are just below average with winter snowfall totals this season.
Fishing on the eastern basin Lake Erie ice in early March is not for the faint of heart or the inexperienced. The reason is ...