When Justice Antonin Scalia died 11 days ago at a West Texas ranch, he was among high-ranking members of an exclusive fraternity for hunters called the International Order of St. Hubertus ...
Here, I will focus on one small part. Sassoon stresses that she clerked for Justice Scalia: I am also guided by the values that have defined my over ten years of public service. You and I have yet ...
The highlight of my law school career was when Justice Scalia accepted an invitation from our Criminal Law class to come debate our professor, Alan Dershowitz. They stood literally toe to toe ...
WASHINGTON (JTA) – “When there was no Jewish justice on the Supreme Court,” Antonin “Nino” Scalia told me, “I considered myself the Jewish justice.” After Abe Fortas resigned in May ...
At Law & Liberty, I review James Rosen’s new biography of Justice Scalia. An excerpt: In many ways, Scalia’s influence since his death has been greater than he enjoyed during his lifetime ...
WASHINGTON — Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says the Constitution’s right to bear arms isn’t absolute and could be changed in the future. Scalia, a card-carrying conservative and ...
Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes interviews Justice Antonin Scalia about his public and private life. Justice Scalia died February 13 at the age of seventy-nine (Original air date: April 27, 2008) ABOUT ...
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia sharply criticized law school at, of all places, his recent commencement speech at William & Mary Law School. Scalia said prestigious law schools around the ...