Hundreds of thousands of savers could be hit with a surprise tax bill this spring as HMRC sends out P800 letters, which let ...
HMRC is sending letters to "any" worker who has savings, UK households have been warned. Hundreds of thousands of savers are ...
Workers could receive an important letter from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) that could lead to a refund. The government ...
HMRC is sending out emails telling workers which one of 13 tax codes they will be on during the next financial year. The ...
HMRC is able to automatically detect interest on savings generated by your bank account and if you tip over a certain ...
HMRC could send you a tax bill letter if you have £3,500 or more in ... allowance at your usual rate of income tax. If you’re employed or get a pension, HMRC will change your tax code so ...
Canada Life last year found that workers are paying £5.8billion more to HMRC than they should because they're on the wrong ...
Anyone selling clothes or items they have made on secondhand sites like Vinted and eBay could be required to pay tax under HMRC rules, an financial expert has revealed ...
To catch these sellers, HMRC signed up to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) rules, which will ...
HMRC will notify affected individuals and their employers of the tax code change, with paper letters likely to be ... reports Birmingham Live. Your employer will also be notified automatically ...